Seeking CI Sponsorship

Bincrafters is dedicated to creating, publishing, and maintaining Conan packages for important C/C++ libraries for the foreseeable future. On the horizon are some massive multi-library projects including Qt, as well as OpenCV and others. We’re still trying to figure out all the logistics for those packages, but one thing is for sure: CI has become a significant bottleneck to our packaging. As such, we’re looking for organizations who would be willing to provide recurring sponsorship for professional accounts on Travis CI and Appveyor, and Bintray.

Free CI Services for OSS

Travis, Appveyor, and Bintray all provide amazing public services for free. We don’t know how they do it, but we’re grateful. It is these services which have enabled Bincrafters to exist in the first place. We’ve been hitting the ceiling with each of these services on a regular basis, and engineered around them as best we could. With free plans, Appveyor runs 1 concurrent job, Travis runs a few for linux, but Mac builds are bottlenecked to 2. Also, Mac builds have regularly experienced issues which have caused them to be delayed multiple days. In the face of continued growth, the limitations are simply untenable.

As all the paid plans are tailored for non-OSS use, we have recently reached out to both Appveyor and Travis asking for custom pricing.

Appveyor has responded with the following custom OSS pricing:

Plans for OSS projects start from “Premium FOSS” $49.50/month for 2 concurrent jobs and then each additional job is +$25/month to that price.

Travis has not responded yet.

For Bintray, $150.00 / month will give us everything we need.

Total Monthly Funding Target

For paid plans on each of these services which would increase our concurrent build capacity in a meaningful way, we will need a total of approximately $500 USD each month. We don’t expect any single organization to contribute this amount. Instead we are hoping to find several organizations who can commit to smaller monthly contributions.

In Return for Contribution

We want to show appreciation for any amount of financial support, so we have added a section on the About page on our blog to feature, thank, and promote such sponsors. As with any charitable donation, the idea behind showcasing sponsors publicly is that it might help bring positive attention to those sponsors, and possibly even business.

How to Contribute

If you represent an organization who is interested in sponsoring, please reach out to us via email using our bincrafters gmail account.

Other Support

We also want to let the community of followers on Twitter and elsewhere that your support and promotion also matters, both on social media, and locally among developers you know or work with. The rate of adoption and improvement with both Conan and Bincrafters is significantly impacted by word-of-mouth communication, coming from developers who actually use and enjoy Conan. So, continued thanks to our users.

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